K.E. Rush & Sons products (http://www.doggiedelitreats.com) are 100% all natural dog treats, with no additives or preservatives, fully organic, and above all completely digestible. All products are hickory smoked for an extended period of time so that they are shelf stable but not brittle.
We manufacture for several companies under private label and produce and ship our products usually in the same week.
There is no company anywhere in the country that allows you to consistently get fresh product (usually 7 days) as Doggie Deli Treats.
What this means is the opportunity to offer your customers and their pets a family of high quality, high profit, Made in the USA pet treats.
Check out our product line (http://www.doggiedelitreats.com) of Doggie Treats, Doggie Bones, Packaged Products and Displays to increase your sales and profits.
To place your order go to our wholesaler section at: http://www.nexusadvantageservices.com/doggiedelitreats/.
If you have any questions or would like to receive a sample order, please contact me 866-490-7616 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM EST or doggietreats.sales@gmail.com.
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